Before your plant arrives, you'll want to have a basic understanding of its environmental and watering needs. Do some research and make sure you're ready to care for your new plant.
After unboxing...
If your plant shipped bare root, remove the moss and rinse the roots with warm water. Place your plant in water so the roots are submerged. This will help prevent shock to the roots and also help limp plants recover.
If your plant shipped in a pot, inspect the plant and water thoroughly if the soil is dry.
Do not change the plant's substrate for at least 10 days after delivery.
It is normal to experience some cosmetic damage during shipping and while your plant is acclimating to its new home. There's no need worry as this is expected when shipping sensitive plants.
If your plant's health is drastically declining, please contact us within 10 days of delivery.
Help your plant acclimate by...
Most houseplants come from tropical areas (there's a few exceptions of course). This means your plant is likely to love bright indirect light and higher than normal humidity.
The warmer and humid the environment, the more your plant will thrive. We understand that this is not always the case, but this is a great place to start when acclimating your new plant.
Our greenhouse has an average humidity of 60-70%.
We recommend placing a humidifier or pebble tray near your plant to increase humidity, especially in winter.
We recommend waiting 4-6 weeks before fertilizing your new plant. Remember, less is best.
Repot to new substrate (if you choose)...
After your plant has had time to fully acclimate and recover from its journey, you can repot into new substrate.
Repotting can cause stress to your plant. It is normal to experience a few yellowing or dropped leaves after transitioning.
Continue to provide adaquate care and your plant will be growing strong in its new substrate in no time.