After unboxing...

If your plant shipped bare root:

  • Remove the moss and rinse the roots with warm water.
  • Place the plant in water, ensuring the roots are fully submerged. This helps prevent shock and allows limp plants to recover.

🌱 If your plant shipped in a pot:

  • Inspect your plant and water thoroughly if the soil feels dry.

🚫 Do not change the plant’s substrate for at least 10 days (30 is best) after delivery. This gives it time to adjust to its new environment before experiencing another big change.

🌿 It’s normal for plants to experience minor cosmetic damage during shipping or acclimation. A little leaf loss or slight stress is expected, but with the right care, your plant will settle in beautifully.

🔍 If your plant’s health is declining significantly, contact us within 10 days of delivery.

Help your plant acclimate by...

Most houseplants originate from tropical environments, meaning they thrive in warm temperatures, bright indirect light, and humidity. While each plant has unique needs, these general tips will help with acclimation:

✔ Provide bright, indirect light—keep your plant out of direct sun until it has fully adjusted.
✔ Increase humidity with a humidifier or pebble tray, especially during dry winter months. (Our greenhouse averages 60-70% humidity!)
✔ Wait 4-6 weeks before fertilizing—less is best while your plant gets settled in.

A little patience goes a long way! Give your plant time to adjust, and it’ll be thriving in no time. 💚

Repot to new substrate (if you choose)...

Once your plant has fully acclimated, you can transition it into a new substrate if needed.

⚠️ Repotting can cause stress—it’s normal to see a few yellowing or dropped leaves as the plant adjusts. Just continue providing consistent care, and your plant will be thriving in no time!